TWISTMax is a line of innovative, maximum power, quarter-turn pneumatic actuators. Integrating low air consumption and stainless steel construction in a compact, maintenance-free design, TWISTMax is revolutionizing the world of pneumatic actuators in comparison to rack and pinion systems, delivering significant savings in energy and operational costs.
TWISTMax converts pneumatic linear piston forces into a quarter-turn rotational movement.
This is achieved using a special curve designed for optimal torque delivery
according to valve needs, which are typically high at breakaway and end, and relatively low in the run mode. This customized approach significantly reduces the required air volume and air consumption, resulting in energy cost savings of up to 30%.
Constructed from high-grade stainless steel, TWISTMax actuators deliver the superior corrosion resistance and durability essential for high-end applications in a range of industries, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and semiconductors. Furthermore, the use of TWISTMax stainless steel actuators in industries with extreme environmental conditions such as oil, gas and water desalination and treatment ensures a significant extension of the product lifecycle.
To meet the demand for small diameter cylinder shapes, TWISTMax actuators are compact in size, minimizing the distance between construction elements and revolutionizing traditional pipe layouts. Mountable on all types of ball valves, butterfly valves and any quarter-turn motorized application, they enable a dramatic reduction in system structure sizes, creating low-volume, space-saving systems that significantly reduce electricity operational cost ssuch as air conditioning and lighting.
TWISTMAX actuators require no greasing, lubrication or dissembling, thereby eliminating injuries due to loaded springs. Under normal work conditions, they offer reliable, maintenance-free operation for more than 1 million cycles.